With the upcoming hunting season, we've posted the local ordinances regarding hunting and firearms use within city limits below:
Sec. 11-500. USE OF ARMS.
No person shall discharge or fire or cause to be discharged, or fired, any revolver, pistol, rifle, shotgun, air rifle, BB gun, or other similar firearm or weapon within the limits of the city of Montpelier. This prohibition shall not apply to the use of firearms or weapons by any duly constituted police officer or other public official when such use is reasonably necessary in the performance of his duties as such officer or official; nor shall it apply to the use of shotgun, air rifle, or BB gun, by a hunter in the active pursuit of game, except that such shotgun shall not be used with ammunition containing a single slug, pellet or missile in any one cartridge or shell, nor shall either shotgun or air rifle be discharged within a distance of 200 yards from any building and shooting within 100 yards of an accepted street or highway, and provided further that this ordinance shall not prevent the discharge of firearms on any properly constructed firing range or in the conduct of a contest, shoot, meet, or game when reasonable precautions are taken for the protection of the public safety; nor shall it prevent the use of firearms for the disposal of vermin when permission for such use has been first obtained from the Chief of Police of the City of Montpelier.
Sec. 11-501. DISCHARGE OF A BOW.
The discharge of an arrow from a bow within the city of Montpelier shall be conducted only when reasonable precautions are taken for the protection of public safety. See Section 11-710 (provided below.)
The discharge of a revolver, pistol, rifle, shotgun, air rifle, BB gun, arrow from a bow, or a similar firearm or weapon within the limits of Hubbard Park, North Branch River Park or any city park is not permitted without written permission of the Police and Parks Departments.
(a) In addition to Sec. 11-500, projectiles shall not be projected to, from, over or through properties (including real property, personal property, and public streets highways and sidewalks) unless the projector has permission from the owner or the owner’s agent and resident thereof.
(b) The term “projectile” shall include but is not limited to snowballs, balls, bean bags, stones, arrows, BB’s or any other items that are projected by throwing, casting, spitting, kicking, or with the aid of a bow or sling shot.
When hunting, have your hunting license with you at all times and ensure you are wearing appropriate safety clothing.
All City of Montpelier, VT - City Government ordinances can be found on the city website: https://www.montpelier-vt.org/578/Code-of-Ordinances
Original source can be found here.