Free to use High Angle Shot of Suburban Neighborhood | David McBee
Free to use High Angle Shot of Suburban Neighborhood | David McBee
February 17, 2023
The Senate Appropriations Committee amended the Budget Adjustment Act to include $14 million of funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the general fund for the Missing Middle-Income Homeownership Development Pilot Program. The Vermont Chamber’s advocacy was essential to the establishment of the program and is a champion for solutions that increase the number of housing units statewide as a solution workforce shortage solution. This funding allocates $5 million of ARPA funding for FY22, $10 million of ARPA funding for FY23, and $9 million of general funding for FY23. Additional investments championed by Vermont Chamber that received funding were the Rural Infrastructure Assistance Program, Vermont Housing Improvement Program, and The State Refugee Office.
Original source can be found here.