SUBJECT: Community Awareness Bulletin
DATE / TIME OF INCIDENT: 13 August 2022 @ 1105 hours (11:05 AM)
TYPE OF EVENT(S): Driving Under the Influence (Criminal Refusal)
LOCATION OF EVENT(S): Berlin Street @ Sherwood Drive in Montpelier
INVESTIGATING OFFICER(S): Corporal Michael Philbrick, Officer Alesha Donovan
At the above date and time, the Montpelier Police Department received a report of a vehicle operating erratically. An MPD officer located the vehicle and conducted a motor vehicle stop. The operator was observed to be impaired by alcohol and arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. They refused to provide an evidentiary breath sample while being processed as required by Vermont Law
Our investigation revealed probable cause that the operator, a 39-year-old female from Waitsfield, had committed the crime(s) of driving under the influence (criminal refusal).
These informational posts are made in the interest of general transparency and community awareness of MPD activities. For more information about any specific incident or police activity, please contact us at (802) 223-3445.
Original source can be found here.