We are so excited that with the passage of S.100, the Universal School Meals bill, the new school year will bring equal access to healthy school meals to ALL Vermont students. But the hard truth is that children need nourishment every day to be able to thrive, and that will be especially difficult for many this summer.
On June 30th the federal emergency waivers that permitted every community in Vermont to offer free summer meals to all kids, is ending. This means that many of the summer meal sites around the state that thousands of children have depended on for the last two years will suddenly disappear, leaving families unsure where to turn.
When you support our summer meals initiatives, you help all families know where to access healthy breakfast and lunch at remaining meal sites this summer, as well as learn about other ways to keep food on their tables all year long through 3SquaresVT and WIC. Please make a donation today to support this crucial work: https://hungerfreevt.kindful.com/?campaign=1202170
Source: https://web.facebook.com/HungerFreeVermont/photos/a.121452367924985/7588966504506830