Speeding is a popular topic, we get calls every week with people reporting speeders on various roads. We take these calls seriously and try to dedicate some of our day in the areas and time frames known for speeding. But, at the end of the day, you can help! Obey speed limit signs and be mindful and respectful of neighbors, homeowners and business, who all just want to enjoy their day without worrying if someone will come around the corner at a high rate of speed.
Seen here: A Deputy performed a traffic stop yesterday on a car doing 70MPH in a 50MPH zone.
Source: https://web.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02HggSf2BjtRCgYX1mT3fm1cAnQ55bT6HfyBJnupzT2G2B8kzms3sMTAkRMouU9rPTl&id=100066752067105